About Martha

The Paperwork

I hold a B.Sc. in Psychology, and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Neuroscience. I am a certified Breathwork coach, trained by Stephen Monne of Adem en Stem. I have also trained as a guide of Ayahuasca journeys with The Sacred Voyage and Geke Dijkstra, with training including Voice Dialogue, Focusing, ‘Feed Your Demons’ visualization, Soul Retrieval, Heart Dancing and other body-centered healing approaches. I facilitate sessions in English and German.

The Story

My enquiries into human nature started somewhere around the age of 4, when I kept asking my grandmother why the people in soap operas were behaving one way or another. As a teenager, I read psychological and religious literature voraciously (yes, I was a bit… interesting), from Bruno Bettelheim to Ken Wilber, the Bhagavad Gita to Carlos Castaneda.

My studies in Psychology led me from human-level questions, e.g. how we tell our life story to define our identity, towards trying to understand the smallest building blocks of our inner world: Neurons.

Having spent 15 years researching the neuronal networks that work together to create perception, attention and learning, I stumbled upon body-centered therapies in my private life. I had done a lot of self-exploration to address my own childhood trauma, yet the wounds still felt raw. Once I began using practices that focused on physical sensations rather than cognitive insights, I was amazed that even issues I had ‘processed’ before suddenly felt different. Lighter. Healed. Like the pain had not just been catalogued, but overwritten, leaving space for new emotions.

In the following years, I gathered experience in a variety of body-centered healing techniques – first through my own sessions, then by following year-trainings at Adem En Stem and The Sacred Voyage, and for the last four years by regularly facilitating private sessions.